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Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School Love, Live and Learn as Jesus taught us

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Reception Willow

Welcome to Reception - Willow!


Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we've done and more.
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Welcome to Willow’s class page! Here, you can find out what we’ve been up to and what’s coming up.

Term 4


Welcome back to Our Lady of Lourdes this Spring Term (4). The following is what we will be learning this term.




The sounds we are learning are: ea,  oi,  a-e,  i-e,  o-e,  u-e,  aw,  are,  ur,  er,  ow,  ai,  oa,  ew,  ire,  ear,  ure.


The tricky words we are learning are: what, all, was, we, so, to, call, her, there, want, go, old, some.




In ‘Number’ we are learning to add by counting on and subtract by counting back. We are also learning to solve problems including doubling, halving and estimating.


In ‘Space, Shape and Measure’ we are learning to describe 2D and 3D shapes, order items by capacity and talk about time.




In English we will be exploring the texts ‘Farmer Duck’ and ‘Beegu’, by learning about the story structure through retelling the story and writing sentences inspired by these books.


We will also be looking at the features of non-fiction texts and discussing how to find out information from these books.




Our units are Lent and Holy Week. In the Lent unit we will be exploring ‘The Parable of the Talents’ (Mt 25:14-30) and ‘The Healing of the Blind Man’ (Mk 10:46-52). In the Holy Week unit we will interact with stories about the events which led up to Easter.




Our topic this term is ‘Growth and Change’. We will be learning about how humans grow with links to healthy eating and healthy practices. We will also be learning about animals, plants, life cycles and seasons.




Please can your child come to school wearing their PE kit (shorts and PE top) with tracksuit bottoms every Tuesday. Children will still need to wear their school jumper/cardigan and school shoes. Willow Class PE kits will no longer need to be kept in school.


Term 3


At the beginning of term all the children in the school spent the day learning about our new school values. Willow class focused on kindness and why it is an important values to hold as both a school and individual learner.


Click on this link to find out about the EYFS Learning Outcomes.

Learning Journals: Tapestry


We use an App called ‘Tapestry’ to record the children’s Learning Journals electronically. You will receive an email with instructions of how to view your child’s observations. The App gives you the opportunity to upload observations of your child at home to add to their Learning Journal.


Espresso Home Learning


Please check out the Espresso site. All children at Our Lady of Lourdes have home access to this learning site. A password is required that you can obtain from school. Click on this link:

