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Year 2 Apple

Welcome to Year 2 - Apple!


Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we've done and more.
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.



Welcome to Apple’s class page! Here, you can find out what we’ve been up to and what’s coming up. We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you enjoy looking at our wonderful work! Please visit again soon to follow our learning journey through the year.


This term the children will be focussing on the ‘Katie Morag’ stories by Mairi Hedderwick. Inspired on a real Island in the Inner Hebrides this series of books will link with our Topic ‘What’s it like where you live?’


Purple learners



The children are very excited about being the purple learner for the day as they now have their very own table complete with cloth and plant pot! What a treat! Well done purple learners, keep persevering, trying hard and challenging yourself.





Term 4

During this term we will be entering the fascinating world of Superheroes. We shall be reading the book ‘Traction Man is here’ by Mini Grey.The children will be embarking on the challenge to Design and make their own superhero cape.



E-Safety Performance

On Tuesday 21st February our school watched a fantastic performance on E-Safety. We learnt about how to be safe online, how to protect ourselves and who to talk to if anything happens when we are online.


Wow Day- Superheroes

To introduce our new topic the children dressed up as their favourite Superhero. We wrote about our Superheroes and painted pictures. We read the story of Traction man and acted out scenes from the book.


Aspirations Day

Following our assembly from NSPCC the children took part in  ‘Aspirational Dress Up Day’ on Thursday 9th February. The children came to school dressed up as something they would like to be when they grow up. We wrote about our aspirations…….


The Whale and the Snail

Apple class have been reading the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’ this term. We have produced some fantastic art work and written our own diary entries.


Fantastic Fractions

Today we have been learning how to half and quarter different quantities. You can see how we have used the CPA approach in our learning.

Visit to Bristol Aquarium

Apple class had a great day at Bristol Aquarium learning all about the different ocean creatures we have been studying in class.



Homework is handed out on Friday and should be returned for marking on Wednesday
The children will be learning different spelling patterns based on the Y1 and Y2 spelling
objectives. Spelling tests will be carried out on Friday and a new Spelling list will be sent
home for the following week. Please can you ensure that Spelling Folders are brought in every
Reading is essential to your child’s development and has a direct affect upon their spoken and
written ability. The children will read  at least twice a week, once in a Guided reading session and
once one-to-one with the class teacher, TA or parent reader.
Every time your child reads their book with you, please can you write a comment and the date in their
yellow comments book.
By the end of year 2 your child is expected to know their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times-tables.
Below you can find links to times-tables sheets you can use at home and a game your
child can play on the computer.
PE this year is on Wednesday and Thursdays, please ensure that your child has their PE
Kit in school. Any jewellery including earrings must not be worn during these sessions.

Purple learning



Are you a purple learner?


At the start of term we began to learn what ‘Purple learners’ were and how we can become brilliant learners. The children were encouraged to get on the purple learning bus. The purple bus is a challenge area in which a learner can succeed and experience real achievement if s/he has a great attitude and puts in lots of effort. There will be 2 daily purple learner awards, so look out for your child taking it home.
