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Year 4 Oak

Welcome to Year 4 - Oak!


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Term 4


Please find below an outline of what the children will be learning this term.



This term we will be reading The Wolf’s Footprint. We will be exploring the themes of the book through drama, role play and art. These activities will feed into the children’s creative writing and lots of our work will be based on the book. In our writing we will be learning how to write in the present, past and continuous tense as well as learning how to use a range of conjunctions to extend sentences.  We will be practicing our handwriting daily, a skill which the children are making excellent progress in.



In Maths this term we will be focussing on multiplication and division. We will then be moving onto fractions.

We are working extremely hard to become speedy at our times tables. We have been using a variety of methods and games to encourage everyone to recall times tables facts quickly. We have been putting our times tables knowledge to the test weekly during our speed tables session. The children are showing great progress in the speed at which they can recall their times tables facts!



Our enquiry question for this term is ‘How are wolves and humans similar?’  We will be learning how to identify, group and classify animals. We started off the term by making mini-booklets about wolves, as well as creating our own wolf’s footprints from clay. We will be working towards creating a Venn diagram to compare the similarities and differences between humans and wolves.


Religious Education

In RE the focus for this term will be Lent. We will be learning about The Temptation of Jesus, the importance of forgiveness during this period as well as the Beatitudes.



We will have two PE sessions a week. On Monday children will have outdoor PE and on Wednesday will have indoor PE. This term the focus will be on developing sequences of balances and jumps.


Term 3 

Welcome back to Our Lady of Lourdes the Spring Term! I hope everyone had a happy Christmas and a restful break. Please find below an outline of what the children will be learning this term, including additional information about homework.


Becoming Purple Learners

On the first Friday back, the children were learning what it means to be a ‘Purple Leaner’.   We will be aiming for our learning this year to be challenging, and purple learning day helped us understand what that meant. We want to be out of comfort zone (blue zone) as no new learning occurs here. We do not want to venture into the red zone, as this is too tricky and leads to frustration. In the purple zone there is just enough challenge so that if we believe we can achieve, put the effort, and have a can do attitude, we can succeed and learn something new. A Purple Learner is someone who tries hard, has a go at tricky things, thinks for themselves, makes an effort, keeps going and does the best they can. Every day we will be awarding purple learning badges, certificates, and a medal to people who have shown themselves to be Purple Learners.



This term we will be reading Varjak Paw as a class, a book about the adventures of a kitten who learns a secret martial art for cats called the Way. We will be exploring the themes of the book through drama, role play and art. These activities will be a stimulus for the children’s creative writing and lots of our work will be based on the book. In our writing we will be learning how to create expanded noun phrases and use a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences.  We will also be learning how to use fronted adverbials to make our writing more varied and interesting. We will be practising our handwriting daily, which will be based on our weekly spelling patterns.



In Maths we are continuing to refine our number skills to become excellent mathematicians. We will begin this term by consolidating and deepening our understanding of place value and methods for solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems, in order to become masters in these areas of Maths. We will continue to extend our understanding of additions and subtraction and practice applying these in order to solve real life problems.  We will then move onto learning about fractions, including how to find equivalent fractions and how to add and subtract fractions.

We are working extremely hard to become speedy at our times tables. We have been using a variety of methods and games to encourage everyone to recall times tables facts quickly. We will regularly put our times tables knowledge to the test to see how we are improving throughout the year! Children should regularly practice their times tables at home, in order to be able to answer up to 12 x 12 by the end of the academic year.



Our Topic for this half term will be ‘All around the World’. The children will take a closer look at where the countries of the world are located, and some of the ways geographers describe locations. We will be learning to locate and describe places using longitude and latitude, and find out about specific areas of the Earth – the Equator, the Hemispheres, the Poles and the Tropics. Finally, by looking more closely at the lines of longitude, we will develop our understanding of time zones.



In Science we will be learning about circuits and conductors, looking at how circuits work, the differences between mains and battery powered electricity, how to make a switch, which materials are conductors and which are insulators, with plenty of opportunities for practical investigations and experiments.


Religious Education

In RE we will be learning about Christmas before moving onto learning about the Revelation.



We will have two PE sessions a week. On Monday children will have outdoor PE and on Wednesday will have indoor PE.



Homework will be set on a Friday and due back the following Wednesday. The children will also be set spellings to learn each week which will be tested on Friday mornings.

Please read with your child at home as much as possible, or encourage them to read alone if they are confident. Children who read at home at least 3 times a week are 13 times more likely to exceed their age related expectations! Reading appropriate books has a huge impact on spelling, imagination and writing abilities.

Please feel free to pop into class to discuss any concerns or achievements about your child with us, our door is always open!
