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Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School Love, Live and Learn as Jesus taught us

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Year 1

Welcome to the Year One Class Page!


On this page you can find out about our class' amazing learning journey and all of our achievements. 

The children have made the big jump,  moving from Reception to Year One and it has been lovely to see how well they have adapted and settled into their new environment. 


We look forward to seeing how the children continue to develop their abilities and grow their independence throughout this important year.


Please use this page to find important information, if there are any questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact us through the school office or come and see us and the end of the day for a face-to-face conversation. 


All the best, 

Miss P Cohen, Mrs M Sterling and Mrs L Mara

Year One's Class Teacher and Teaching Assistants 


Important Information


School starts at 8.45am - please drop off your child at the front of the school. It is important that your child arrives to school on time so that we can help prepare them to be 'ready to learn' for the rest of the day.

The doors close at 8.55am. 


School ends at 3.15pm - please pick up from the playground at the back of the school. 


P.E Days - Tuesdays and Thursdays are Year Ones days for P.E.

Please send your child to school in their correct P.E uniform, if you are unsure of what this is or what their house/team colour please get in contact. 


Tuesday mornings are taught by Mrs Gee (SENCO) with an amazing addition of Mrs Quinn teaching music this term.


Home Learning - Each week home learning will be collected in on Thursdays and will given out on Fridays. 


Reading Books - Each week your child's reading book will be changed if their old one is returned. The day of the book change can alter each week so, please ensure your child comes to school with their reading book every day.

Write a comment about your child's reading in their reading record, this gives us an indication of how much reading is happening at home so, we can support appropriately in school.


Year One's Class Mission

Important Phonics Information


In the summer term of Year One, each child will be participating in the Statutory Phonics Screen Check. 

During this check the children will read 40 words, 20 of which are real words and 20 are nonsense (alien) words. 


It is important that your child is practising their phonics and reading regularly so that they are prepared for this. 


At Our Lady of Lourdes, we follow Ruth Miskin's 'Read, Write Inc.' phonics scheme. Please use the resources below to help you understand phonics and to help your children with their phonics and reading.


Understanding Phonics

Watch this video to understand what phonics is and why is it important to develop your child's reading.

How to say the sounds

Watch this video to help your child to say clear and pure sounds. This is important to understand and practise with your children to develop their word reading.

The Phonics Screening Check

Watch this video to understand the process and the reason for the Phonics Screen Check in the summer term.

Things to think about when you read to your child

Reading to your child helps them to develop a love for reading. Watch this video to understand how you can help your child create enthusiasm for books and reading.

Term Two

We are reading...



We are reading the Julia Donaldson's book 'Stick Man'. Through retelling this amazing book, we've been looking into the thoughts and feelings of characters and how they overcame tricky situations. We created our own stick people using lollypop sticks and have begun to write descriptive sentences using adjectives to make them more interesting. Throughout this term we are working towards writing our own innovative version of the story; writing about our own Stick Person and how they overcame getting lost to then find their way back home. 





In our Maths learning this term, we have been working on our 2D and 3D shapes - being able sort them into groups and to name them. 

We have been working on addition and subtraction. We began do this using concrete objects putting them together for adding and moving them away for subtraction. Through the use of part-part-whole diagrams and bar models we are now able to addd and subtract number to 20. 

We are trying to be able to instantly recall our number bonds to 10 which will help us work towards our number bonds to 20. 



Term One



We are reading...



This term we have been exploring the classic fairytale 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We have been expanding our vocabulary whilst practising retelling the story with actions. We have begun to write sentences focusing on capital letters at the beginning, using finger spaces between words and having a full stop at the end of the sentence. From knowing the story so well and being able to orally retell it, we are able to write out own innovative version. As we step into the book as the main character. 

Soon we will be growing our own beanstalks in Science and we will write instructions so that others can follow our steps to grow plants themselves. 




This term in maths we have been focussing on our place value to 30, looking into and using the language 'tens' and 'ones', 'more and less than' and 'equal to'. 

We are also exploring measurement using standard and non-standard units - comparing different heights, lengths and weights of objects. 




Alongside our Jack and the Beanstalk writing, we have been putting on our scientist's hats on as we've investigated plants. Understanding what they are, why they're so important to our world. We will be growing our own beanstalk 



We have been understanding our Class' Mission, something that the class decided on collectively.


Tell the truth.

Help each other.

Be polite to all.

Listen to everyone.

Always use kind hands, feet, faces and words.

Celebrate each other’s learning.

Play, share and show kindness to all.


We have also started to explore the R.E unit of Creation and Covenant. Understanding the God loves us and loves the world. Just like we should love ourselves and care for the world around us. 

Welcoming in the Month of the Holy Rosary
