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Introduction to Oracy


In short, Oracy is being able to express yourself well. It's about having the vocabulary to say what you want to say and the ability to structure your thoughts so that they make sense to others. Oracy is a very important life skill, proven to raise attainment not only in children's writing but across the curriculum and beyond.

Pre-reading for all Oracy tasks:

Exploratory Talk Challenge – Have a Discussion about these Talking Points

Top Tips:

Use your sentence starters to build, challenge (with respect), clarify and probe each other’s ideas to come to a shared agreement. Remember, if you cannot agree, this is not a bad thing! Remember to reflect on it positively. ‘We found it hard to agree about....’

Presentational Talk Challenge – Perform your own version of ‘Smiling is Infectious’

Top Tips:


Be confident! Have a look at the ‘steps to success for presentational talk’ document. Start by rehearsing 2 lines at a time and go over them until you have got them the way you want them. You can record yourself as you go.

